Wednesday, November 28, 2007

2 down.....1 more to go.....

Well we made it through another Thanksgiving.....much different than last year I must say. My friend Michelle and I, with the help of our three girls, cooked the whole thing for our families and a couple of her husband's soldiers. After eating we played board games, having a lot of fun. So now we have 2 down and 1 more to go!!!
Can you believe it's already been a little bit over a year since we moved here!?!?!? Some days (very few actually) it feels it can't possible be that long, but on others it seems like way longer than it has been! And to think only 572 days left! ( but who's counting!)
Every one is doing great.....Brian goes before the promotion board in either Jan. or Feb. for his promotion to Sergeant. Keep him in your thoughts....

The kids are doing well....getting ready for Christmas break of course. Dalton is Dalton what more is there to say! He's steady on the go, growing too much and still skinny as a pole. He will actually be turning 14 this coming Friday, sooo hard to believe!

Cheyanne is keeping busy herself. Last year I couldn't get her to join a club to save her life...this year is a different story. Monday is Digital Photography Club, Thursday brings Girl Shouts, and Friday is reserved for Bible Club. She's having a blast!

And me......I'm just trying to stay busy. Trying not to get home sick, this time of the year is really hard. I'm actually looking forward Christmas this year, instead of going through the motions! We put the tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving, and it already has a few presents under it!!!
Well I hope to hear from everybody....

Our cooking help....Addy, Cheyanne and Lexi! What a trio!

Dalton and Addy.....she's quick to tell you "Dalton's my besth friend!"

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's that damn simple!!!

Ok so Cheyanne found out that Brian can make homemade white gravy, not the instant like mom they had to get up early Saturday morning and make some. She was a bit worried at first because he was not going to measure the ingredience, "just watch....." he told here. So here are pictures of Mr and Miss Bob and Betty Crocker making their gravy. When it as all said and done she says....."is that it?" and he replies "it's that damn simple!!!"

Monday, October 29, 2007

I finally figured it out!

YAHOOOOOOO! Finally i figured it out! Now that my videos are old, it's time to tape some more! Halloween is only a couple days away...there's my oppurtunity! Hope this finds everyone well...leave me some love

Sunday, October 28, 2007

lets finally get Dalton's on here!!!

I really am trying....getting frustrated but still trying!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Well maybe not!

Ok so here I sit in Korea wondering if I've been forgotten by everyone back home, because I haven't gotten any comments on my videos!!!! HAHA ya'll still can't see them!!! Lets try again.....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Field trip the Seoul

Yesterday Brian and I went to Seoul with E CO. It was a long day but well worth it. We rode the Korean bus to the next town, the the train to Seoul, the the subway in Seoul to the Changdeokgung Palace. I hope ya'll enjoy the pictures. p.s. I dp have a few videos to put on here but for some reason I can't get then downloaded on blogger. It doesn't help that the eniter blogger site, telling me how to do it is written in hangul!

Please enjoy! leave me some love

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Testing 1....2...3...!

Ok here's my surprise! I hope everyones will enjoy my furture entries! Yes it's actually me on video, the hair is horrible and i'm not near as tired as i look!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Still here!

Hey everybody! All is well in Korea......I know I have been horrible about not posting. I will make no excuses. The kids have went back to school, Brian is still doing wonderful, and I'm trying to find something to keep me busy. I hope to be able to add a really cool feature to my blog this weekend.....SHHHHH Lawana, don't tell! If it works, I think everyone will enjoy! Please check back Monday!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A day at the beach

Last Friday we went to the beach. We thought it may not be crowded since it was a Friday, boy were we wrong! I have never seen so many people at the beach! And if i NEVER see another Korean man in a speedo, it will be TOO soon!!! All in all we had a good time. The guys rode the banana boat, the girls rode in the boat that was pulling them. We all rode four wheelers. Just good family fun!! Oh yeah we ate lunch at a Korean Mcdonalds, nothing like the real thing!!! Laughed though when kids coming in thought Dalton was Harry Potter!! Brian says he caught an octopus! He did not make it back to the shore,( i have my doubts!!) but Dalton says he saw it too! Cheyanne loved to find star fish, or sea stars as she is still calling them, and instisted on bringing them home. They are now stinking up my back porch! Hope ya'll enjoy the pictures!

Daechon Beach

click the picture to view the entire album

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Special Day!

Yesterday was a great day for the Rimmer family! Brian was promoted to Specialist! He's no longer a Private!!! ( and he's very happy about that fact!) He's been in the Army for 18 months and has been promoted 3 times already! I am so proud of him!

Brian's promotion to Specialist

click on picture to view all

Monday, July 16, 2007

What day is it?

Is it my birthday?


Is it Valentine's Day


Is it our annivesary?


It's not any special, but my Honey made it special and bought me flowers!!!!!

That's right Brian bought me flowers for no reason, other than just because he loves me!!

I love you too, Brian!!!

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Field Trip!

We went on another "field trip" yesterday. This one was very different, we went to an orphanage. Let me back up a bit and explain...On the base, here there are a lot of bicycles, I mean A LOT! Well when the guys go back to the States, most of the bikes are left behind. Brian's unit gets several of these bikes, fixes them up and every few months brings them to the orphanage. This time, Dalton, Cheyanne and I had the chance to go! We had such a wonderuf time, of course my heart went out to all of them. Especially to one certain girl though....Kim. Kim is very shy, much like my Cheyanne, beautiful and has a sweet sweet spirit.

She caught my eye right away, sitting away from everyone. ( I know that feeling all to well!) Cheyanne and I began drawing with sidewalk chalk, and she came over, and just watched. Then she drew a Korean hopschotch board, but still would not play! My Cheyanne tried so hard to get her to play, I think she felt a connection with the shyness. Finally she opened up, and the girls had a great time.

Dalton, on the other hand, never meets a stranger! He got right in to helping the kids ride bikes, and playing soccer.

Wel all had such a great time. and look forward to going again!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Orphanage Visit 071407

click to view the entire album

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Everland June 23 2007

click picture to view entire album

Hi everybody!! We're still here! We have not been washed away with the mansoons!

Just dealing with everday life.

We went to Everland in Seoul in the 23rd of June! We had so much fun. I'm not much of an amusement ride rider, but we rode so many! We flipped, twisted, twirled, and went in every direction imaginable!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I know it may seem like it's early in the year, but the water park is open on post!!!! The weather here is getting reallly warm and humid. This water park is really great. It's only about a five miute walk from the house, and the best part is that for a family pass, for the entire summer, is ONLY $100!!!
Can't beat that! The kids had a lot of fun this past weekend. Dalton is not in any of the pictures, so I will have more pics later. These pics show alot of the park but not the olimpic size pool, and also the diving pool.

Memorial weekend fun!

click on picture to view entire album!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


About three week ago, Cheyanne came to me with a permission slip to try out for the school's talent show. I really could not believe she wanted to do this, because she is very shy at times. I signed, reassuring her to doing her best was all that mattered. They were only picking 20 kids to be in the show. She come home the following monday, after tryouts, extra bouncy! I asked her what was going on, as she produce the letter saying she had made the show, and the happy dance started. So far the past two weeks I tryed to get her to practice her "talent", but she always had something else to do.

So last night we attended HAES Idol. No one was going to "win", it was just to showcase their talents. There were eight singers, six kids playing the piano, one very frightened and crying girl reading a friendship poem, one girl playing the guitar, two dancing groups, and my Cheyanne doing a comedic monolgue. Yes of all things a comedic monolgue!!!

She did so good!! We are very proud of her. I'd love the put the video footage of her on the blog, but I have a very old camcorder, so it's not possible. If you have a second read below. This is what my very crazy daughter got up on stage in front of a large group of people and did for her talent:

"Daaaad, do we have to go to grandma's? I mean I don't know what make you think going to grandma is so much fun. I mean you get up early and polish the car like we're going some place cool, like the beach or something. Is it just me or does her house smell like and old antique store couch. After all I'm the one she latches on to, to listen to all her old stories. Well I'm sorry dad if I can't appreciate her "wisdom" right now, but even you can admit the womans a little bit crazy. I mean come on, one time I was going into the kitchen to get myself a drink when I heard her talking to somebody. I didn't want to disturb her, so I was real quiet. She was asking grandpa how much salt he liked in the stew, and he's been dead for TEN years!! I mean come on!! Oh and her cooking! What was that she made us for dinner last time, boiled okra, that's just wrong!! It felt like a hairy calm going down my throat! It took me three to four sips of coke ofter each bit to get it down and keep it down! Yuck!!! I can still taste it! So dad please can we skip this visit, I mean Christmas is only four months away, I sure she wouldn't mind if we just called! Pleeeeeessssse!!!

Yes, that's my girl!!!!! Just gotta love her!!!!

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pottery Expo and Temple

pottery and temple
click on the above picture to view the entire album. when you get to the album click on the first picture to enlarge and scroll through.

Yesterday I went on a little adventure. I signed up to go on this trip to a pottery expo and temple trip out of town. Can anyone believe I did this not knowing anyone else who was going!! At first it felt like high school all over again, but the majority of the women were nice, and the day turn out good.

The temple was not near as nice as the first won I went to but it is still real neat to see. I hope ya'll enjoy the pictures.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh Happy Day!!

Yes I'm still alive!! Brian was gone "to the field" for nine days, and to be totally honest I just really don't do will when he's not here. Then to my surprise he took two weeks vacation when he got back. So I have had my honey with me everyday now for a week.

If you know me you know how much I love and miss my favorite TV shows from back home. Well, I have found a WONDERFUL website,, which actually has the current episodes of Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!
Yes, oh happy day!! Check this site out because not only does it have tv shows, but it also has a lot of movies, from some old stuff to some fairly new ones also. I have also missed another one of my guilty pleasures Days of Our Lives. We only have one actual American tv channel here, it play shows from different networks back home. Well starting yesterday, Days of our Lives plays at 3!!! YEAH!!!!!

Other than that not much happening on this side of the world. I hope to visit another Temple and also a Korean Pottery Expo tomorrow. I'll post pics if so.

I'd love to hear from ya'll.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Road Trip

Last Friday the kids and I went on a road trip. We drove, with some friends, across the Korean penilsula to see the Donghwasa Temple. I can't wait to see more things like this.

Click the picture to see the whole album!

Donghwasa Temple

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello again

Sorry for not posting. My laptop had to be put in the shop to have a new monitor put on. It was supposed to take him a week and cost 250,000 won (that's only roughly $250). Well it's been two weeks today, and come to find out he sent my computer out to be fixed, and has no idea when it will be back. Without internet I feel like I'm half way around the world! Oh wait a minute I AM half way around the world. :) Needless to say I am not very happy about this (it's times like this that I wish I knew how to curse in Hangul!!!!)

Well my loving husband felt sorry for me, so he went and bought me a new Sony Vaio. Compared to my E machine from walmart I'm in heaven. We will still have to pay to get the other one out of the shop if it ever comes back, but we already have a lead on someone who may want to buy it.

I have all my programs downloaded now, so tomorrow I get to catch up with all my daily blog reading.

More later! Promise!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mmm Mmm Good!!!

Here's something I would like to share...

I know I am not the best cook in the world (by far), but I cooked something this weekend that turn out wonderful so I thought I'd share it with you. I would love the hear from any of you who actually ventures to cook this.

Crawfish Etouffee

1/2 cup flour
1 cup oil
3/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
1/4 cup celery
1 1/2 pints of water (24 ounces)
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup chopped green onion tops
1/4 cup parsley
2 lbs of crawfish tails*
This is the original recipe. I doubled the ingredents above.
Make a light roux**
Add onions, bell pepper, and celery
Saute' until limp and shiney
Add water and bring to a medium boil
Slow boil for 30 minutes
Add crawfish tails, salt, pepper, onion tops and parsley
Stir well
Allow to slow boil for 20 minutes
Serve over rice
* crawfish tails can actually be bought at Walmart (atleast in Mena anyway). They are located in the freezer section by the frozen fish and shrimp
** What is a roux? A roux (pronounced roo for all you rednecks out there) is the bases for most cajun dishes. It consist of flour and oil cooked together SLOWLY preferably in a cast iron skillet. Stir a lot because it will burn easily. Cook the two until they are the color of a new penny. I know this sounds funny but trust me if you try this you will understand. Roux will continue to cook so be sure to add vegtables before it gets too dark. If your cast iron skillet is large enough continue the recipe in the same skillet, if not transfer to a larger deep skillet.
PS MUST be eaten over rice, do NOT but butter and sugar in the rice and eat seperately!!!! Love ya Wanna ;)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Korean People

First, I am very honored to have Valerie reading my blog. Thank you!

My thoughts about Korean people you ask...I have very mixed fillings. These feelings may stem from being in a different situation than you were with your exchange students. I am in their country!

Most people here are very polite and keep to theirselves. I have met some extremely friendly people who want to talk, but can't understand that my extent of the Hungal language is "hello", and "thank you"! Then you have the shop owners who want to sell something so bad that when you walk into their shops they are literally on your heels. Most stores are very cluttered to start with then the owner is right behind you, for a person who needs her personal space, this can really keep one out of the shops unless you have to have something.

Personal space, that's something I don't think they know about here. In the states if you are on a public bus and had to sit with someone you don't know, I think most of us would make it a point not to touch the other person. Well I have been on a bus here, not the buses on post, but a actual public bus heading to another town, and have had a Korean man sit next to me. Not only did he not ask, but his leg was touching mine the WHOLE time! I moved as close to the window as possible, this just gave him more room to get closer. Needless to say, that was the longest bus ride!

Cheyanne has actually been pushed aside when we were walking down the street. I guess the old lady thought she was walking too slow! Another man actually tried to touch her freckles!

We are taught "when in Rome". We now take our shoes off before entering our home or anyones for that matter. We even take our shoes off at church! We have been to resturants were we not only take our shoes off but we sit on the floor to eat. My friend laughs at me because my right legs falls asleep every time.

There are some people who are not happy to have Americans here. Thank goodness I have not come across those.

This is such a learning experience, in every way I thought it would be, plus so much more.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Little things!!!!

What is this? Laundry? Folded towels? Oh it's way more than that! This is a picture of the first load of laundry done in the brand new washer and dryer we have gotten in our apartment!!! No more loading up laundry in bags, carrying them down three flights of stairs, then walk about a mile plus round trip, wash, dry, then fold it all, return home to haul it all back up the stairs, then put it all away!!!!!! It's just a washer and dryer, but as I've learned through life, it's the little things that matter most!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

More on Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley? He is a character from a book with the same name by Jeff Brown. I'm pretty sure Stanley was normal, until one day he was smushed by a chalkboard, causeing him to be flat. Since becoming flat, he has realized he can do a lot of things we can't, like slide under looked doors, and put himself in envelopes and mail himself anywhere. Flat Stanley has been all over the world. You can visit The Official Flat Stanley Project see my links.

All the kids in the class colored their own Stanleys and mailed them to people they know. So Flat Stanley is here in South Korea. We have to "show" Stanley around town. "He" will then write a paper about his visit here, and return home with pictures and such. Here are a few pictures from Stanley's visit so far:

Flat Stanley with Kimchi and Mandu

Flat Stanley with other Korean dishes at Lunar New Year (ok so this coonass brought hot wings to a Korean meal, lower left! ;) )

Cheyanne and Stanley waiting for the bus

Cheyanne and Stanley with Kimchi pots (these pots are used to store kimchi and rice)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Brian's asleep, so I have a little free time.

Mindi, in answer to your question, Cheyanne attends Hunpherys American Elementary School, which is actually located right here on the base Brian works. Dalton attends Osan American High School which is on Osan Air Force Base, and that's about 30 minutes away. Both schools are American Department of Defense schools. All the kids who attend the school are associated with the military in some way, either they have a parent in the military, which most of them do, or they have a parent that has a contract job through the Department of Defense. Their schools are fully American acreditted schools.

As I have said several times all ready, even the simplest things are different over here. As everyone knows it's tax time. Well at home I gather all of our stuff together, bring it to the accountant, return in two days to sign the papers, then in about two weeks we have our money. Well needless to say there are no accountants over here, American any way. I found out you can go to the Tax Center on base and they will do your taxes, same day, and Efile them for you. Easy enough right!?!?! Of course not! Yes they file your federal taxes for you, so that part is done, BUT you have to file your state taxes. Is there an easy way to file your state taxes online, I ask? Oh yeah, just go on line to the state web sight, download the program, and follow the directions. Again, easy enough right?!?!? Oh noooooo! Did any one know that Arkansas is one of only three states that if you are filing your taxes online you must file Federal and State TOGETHER! Since our Federal have already been filled, we have to file the old fashion way for state! NEVER in all my life have I had to do this!!!! IT's so much fun living in a foreign country!!! ;)

Oh by the way HAPPY MARDI GRAS
I want to wish some Hapy Birthdays also:

Happy Birthday to my neice Rae Dawn, my friend Carrie in Mississippi, and my beautiful god daughter Kasey Marie!

Kasey if Nanny has the year right, Happy 18th. I love you and will call you!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Catching up

Ok, so I haven't made an entry in a little while. Sorry! Brian has been off a lot the past couple of weeks. Both he and the kids had a four day weekend this past weekend. Lunar New Year was celebrated this weekend. It's a chance for Koreans to travel to their home towns and pay respect to the elders in their families.
Everything here is going fine. The kids are doing fine in school. The weather has actually been wonderful the past few days. The temperature actually made it up to 53 today!
How is everyone out there? I'm beginning to wonder if anyone, besides Lawana and Mindi, even read this blog. Commenting is very easy, I'd love to hear from everybody.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

He's Here!!!!!!!

From flat stanley

He's finally here! Flat Stanley has finally made it to Korea, and I am so excited. This is a project I am helping Kaitlyn, a friend's daughter back home, with. He is here for a few weeks to see what it is like to live in Korea. We plan on taking him out to eat, as well as to school with Cheyanne, and to work with Brian. When he is finished with his visit, he will return home with a story and pictures of his visit with us.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Funny Stuff

I can so see Dalton doing something like this! I hope it brings a smile to your face like it did mine.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The day has arrived

The day has finally arrived!! Dalton startes school today!!!!!!! I really don't know who is more excited, me or him. I think he is a little nervous though. He needed to be up at 6am. Right now it's 6:03 am, he has already walked the dog, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, gotten completely dressed, made is lunch, and is waiting. They don't go to the bus stop until 7am. I really hope is day goes well. I'll let everyone know how it went this afternoon.

Friday, January 26, 2007

A good day for Brian

Today was good day for my Honey! He was promoted to E3, Private First Class (PFC). Janurary 10th completed his first year in the Army. When the pinned him with his new rank today they also presented him with the Army Achievement Medal. We've gotten a kick out of reading why the award was presented to him. The award states: "Due to PV2 Rimmer's selfless service and personal couragehe reacted without hesitation to a dangerous situation, enabling him to save an entire family. PV2 Rimmer's selfless service set an outstanding example for others to follow. Your exemplary performance reflects great credit upon yourself, the Nightmare Battalion and The United States Army."

Okay, this is what happened. The unit Brian is in was out in the "field" for week or so in September. Brian and several other soldiers were by the river when the heard some comotion down river. They headed down to see what was going on. When the got there, they found a Korean family who had gotten their 4wheel drive minivan stuck in the river and were in danger of being taken down stream by the current. Brian and the other soldiers hooked up the the van and pulled them out. And so it is that he saved an entire Korean Family. Basically it's good public reealtions.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tid bits

I love tidbits of information! You know the kind of information you don't NEED to know, but are just fun to know. Some would say I have way too much of this type of information in my head, right Jae! Anyway in one of the blogs I read daily, I came across LOTS of tidbits I'd like to share with ya'll. I highly recommend this site called "meanderings" to everyone. I do not know the author personally but in a round about way. She is the sister-in-law to one of my favorite people in the world, Lawana. Valerie, the author, has a great since of humor. She writes about so many different things, sometimes seriuos, sometimes funny, but always entertaining. To get to her site just click on "meanderings" on the left side of my page under links. To read the tidbits scroll down to "Just Trivia". I promise you will enjoy.

What the !*&$#@%!

Okay, I knew when we moved here things would be different, but the longer I'm here the crazier things are getting. Let me explain:

This past Saturday night we were home watching a movie, (for me that means nap time). I wake up to what I thought was Brian continuiously shaking me, ( he hates when I sleep during movies). I looked at him, and to my surprise he had a strange look on his, and asked ME what the shaking was. Hell, I didn't know. So we sat real still and watched as things on the walls and on top of the refridgerator shook. First thing through his mind was the North Korea was testing bombs again. Brian muted the tv to listen for the alarms on post to start sounding off. This really gave both of us an uneasy feeling. Well no alarms ever went off. We found out the next morning it was an EARTHQUACK! (The possibility of this never crossed our minds.) It ended being a 4.4. Who knew the had earthquacks in Korea?!?!? Not me!

And another thing: For the past few weeks, there has been a "haze" in the sky. Could it be pollution? NO! It's yellow dust! What?!?!? It's a dust, sand like substance that comes in from China. They monitor the levels, because if they get too high you're not to be outside! Again WHAT?!?!?!!?

Needless to say I am learning so much being ever here! I can't wait to see what the next 2 1/2 years have in store! ;)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Good day

Well it's Friday, the 12 and the first day of a three day weekend. Cheyanne has finished another week of school and Dalton is another week closer to starting! Today was laundry day, Dalton has become a big help in this area, for this reason I will hate when he goes to school. Brian has been gone for 8 days now, only four more to go, hopefully. I really hate him not being here, but I can handle a week and a half. The weather is really starting to get cold. In the mornings the temp is around 20ish and averages about 33 or so during the day. Everyone keeps saying the cold weather is still to come! I don't know how cold this Southern girl can handle. Speaking of southern, my "wanna" has informed me there is a cajun "place" in Mena, that will start serving lunch soon. I remember seeing this plase before I moved. It's actually across Hwy 71 from the dentist office. I also remember thinking, cajun, yeah right! Well it turns out the the people that own it are from the same town in Louisiana I am from, go figure! So, when they start serving, ya'll all need to go have a shrimp po-boy in my "honor". Trust me! Well today was a good day, hopefully there are more to come.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hey look at this!

If you know me at all you know I am not the most computer savy person. Imagine how easy this was!

Cool Slideshows

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My Ring

I have been a little down the past week or so. The usual reasons have kept me this way, but one major thing has kept me from being able to bring myself up. Okay so maybe it's only major to me, but I dropped my diamond ring down the drainage system outside. Yes, I know "why did I have it off outside to start with?" Well, I take my watch and rings off to do the dishes. Anyway we were rushing out the house to catch the next bus on post, and I guess I lost the ability to do walk and do anythong else. I dropped my ring on the drainage grate, when I reached to get it, the ring fell all the way in. My family, not even realizing I'm in major crisis, continued to walk down the street. I hollered for Brian to help, but if you know him at all, the only thing he had to say was, "Why did you have it off in the first place?", and he continued to walk. This ring means ALOT to me! No, it's not this massive diamond or anything, but it's the ring Brian gave me when he asked me to marry him 14 years ago. About ten years ago when I was working at Vicki's in Hatfield, I lost the diamond out of the setting. Thankful to still have the ring it's self, I knew one day I would be able to replace the diamond. Well I eventually did have the diamond replaced. It really made me sick to think my ring was floating in the Korean drainage system. I close friend back home reassured me, this was NOT a sign of WORSE things to come here in Korea. A couple of days ago, Brian caught me looking down the drian outside, hoping to see a glimpse of my ring. Well today Dalton put a pair of rubber gloves on, got himself a flashlight, and went ring hunting, let me remind you it's been over a week since I dropped it. He was not even out there 15 minutes, when I hear him running up the stairs to our apartment. I met him at the door, the minute I saw that Dalton Rimmer grin, I knew he had found it!!!!! It needed a good cleaning, but I have my cherished ring back!!!!! When I showed Cheyane this afternoon, all she had to say way was "Now don't take it off again!", she is her daddy's daughter! As of right now Brian doesn't know, I can't wait to tell him when he calls tonight!!

Friday, January 05, 2007


A New Years resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project, a habit, or often a lifestyle change that is generally interperted as adventageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normallly go into effect on New Years Day and remain until the set goal has been achieved, although many resolutions go unachieved and are often broken fairly shortly after they are set.--Wikipedia

Well, it's that time of the year again. We are supposed to decide what we are going to change in our lives to make ourselves "better". I have, through the years, made my fair share of resolutions. I have made small resolutions, such as, to do at least one load of laundry a day, or do the dishes as soon as they hit the sink. I have also made some rather bigger ones such as to be a better wife and mother. God knows I have slipped on the small ones, but I would like to think I have kept the ones that matter most. My family may feel other wise.

Brian asked me on New Year's Day what my resolution was. The usual things went through my head, but I was unable to tell him one. I think with all the change in my life the past year, does it really matter if the laundry is kept up, or if I have a few extra pounds? So this year I've decided not to make a resolution. Any change I make in my life, needs to be done when the time is right, not because it's a certain day year.