Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My Ring

I have been a little down the past week or so. The usual reasons have kept me this way, but one major thing has kept me from being able to bring myself up. Okay so maybe it's only major to me, but I dropped my diamond ring down the drainage system outside. Yes, I know "why did I have it off outside to start with?" Well, I take my watch and rings off to do the dishes. Anyway we were rushing out the house to catch the next bus on post, and I guess I lost the ability to do walk and do anythong else. I dropped my ring on the drainage grate, when I reached to get it, the ring fell all the way in. My family, not even realizing I'm in major crisis, continued to walk down the street. I hollered for Brian to help, but if you know him at all, the only thing he had to say was, "Why did you have it off in the first place?", and he continued to walk. This ring means ALOT to me! No, it's not this massive diamond or anything, but it's the ring Brian gave me when he asked me to marry him 14 years ago. About ten years ago when I was working at Vicki's in Hatfield, I lost the diamond out of the setting. Thankful to still have the ring it's self, I knew one day I would be able to replace the diamond. Well I eventually did have the diamond replaced. It really made me sick to think my ring was floating in the Korean drainage system. I close friend back home reassured me, this was NOT a sign of WORSE things to come here in Korea. A couple of days ago, Brian caught me looking down the drian outside, hoping to see a glimpse of my ring. Well today Dalton put a pair of rubber gloves on, got himself a flashlight, and went ring hunting, let me remind you it's been over a week since I dropped it. He was not even out there 15 minutes, when I hear him running up the stairs to our apartment. I met him at the door, the minute I saw that Dalton Rimmer grin, I knew he had found it!!!!! It needed a good cleaning, but I have my cherished ring back!!!!! When I showed Cheyane this afternoon, all she had to say way was "Now don't take it off again!", she is her daddy's daughter! As of right now Brian doesn't know, I can't wait to tell him when he calls tonight!!

1 comment:

Kelster said...

Don't freak!!! I finally got the blog thing. It's been weird here...will e-mail the details...I sent ya'll an e-mail a few weeks ago, not sure if ya got it....we also finally have DSL at the house.OMG!!!! And we have a new phone number 479-234-4306...got the dsl and the cable and the phone all on one package, but couldn't keep the phone...Shelby's been begging to call Chey, but cant' get our @#$*?&! together on the time differance...will get it though!! I'll email ya...Love and miss you guys!!! Don't take bad communication for lack of caring!!!Shelb is compiling a box for ya'll...we'll need an aircraft carrier to ship it by the time she's done....kids, ya'll look so good...glad you got your ring back, Ton. Will be better at the staying in touch thing now....(hairy details later..all is okay, though) Had to set up a blog site to create this one!?! It's under Crawford's Crib!!! Yo, Yo, Yo!! Talk soon...gotta bail.

Love and Peace,