Monday, October 30, 2006

Laundry Day

Today was laundry day! Cheyanne and I loaded up our dirty clothes, drug it down three flights of stairs, strapped it to our handy cart, and began our walk. We have to walk to the base to do our laundry, which is about a 5 minute walk mostly up hill on the way there. When we get to the base we go through the I.D. check point, then head to the laundry mat which thankfully is just across the street. After everything is washed, dryed, and folded, we load it all back up strap it down again and head home. For some strange reason the walk home seems to be up hill also! :) Then back up the stairs! The first day was sucessful, wish us luck when the weather starts to get cold! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

mindi11 said...

this is going to get old REALLY fast. maybe you need to buy a little scooter or something! (or a washer/dryer for your apartment)