Monday, July 16, 2007

What day is it?

Is it my birthday?


Is it Valentine's Day


Is it our annivesary?


It's not any special, but my Honey made it special and bought me flowers!!!!!

That's right Brian bought me flowers for no reason, other than just because he loves me!!

I love you too, Brian!!!

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Field Trip!

We went on another "field trip" yesterday. This one was very different, we went to an orphanage. Let me back up a bit and explain...On the base, here there are a lot of bicycles, I mean A LOT! Well when the guys go back to the States, most of the bikes are left behind. Brian's unit gets several of these bikes, fixes them up and every few months brings them to the orphanage. This time, Dalton, Cheyanne and I had the chance to go! We had such a wonderuf time, of course my heart went out to all of them. Especially to one certain girl though....Kim. Kim is very shy, much like my Cheyanne, beautiful and has a sweet sweet spirit.

She caught my eye right away, sitting away from everyone. ( I know that feeling all to well!) Cheyanne and I began drawing with sidewalk chalk, and she came over, and just watched. Then she drew a Korean hopschotch board, but still would not play! My Cheyanne tried so hard to get her to play, I think she felt a connection with the shyness. Finally she opened up, and the girls had a great time.

Dalton, on the other hand, never meets a stranger! He got right in to helping the kids ride bikes, and playing soccer.

Wel all had such a great time. and look forward to going again!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Orphanage Visit 071407

click to view the entire album

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Everland June 23 2007

click picture to view entire album

Hi everybody!! We're still here! We have not been washed away with the mansoons!

Just dealing with everday life.

We went to Everland in Seoul in the 23rd of June! We had so much fun. I'm not much of an amusement ride rider, but we rode so many! We flipped, twisted, twirled, and went in every direction imaginable!